Once the looming election is out of the way, the next government, whether headed by Labor or the Liberal-National Coalition, will soon announce the necessity to cut social programs to boost military spending.
The spy and surveillance agencies are being bolstered to deal with intense social and political disaffection fuelled by deepening social inequality, the Israeli genocide and an intensifying turn to war.
Any such payouts will be designed, in line with the Mabo decision itself, to benefit a privileged layer of indigenous land claimants and their business enterprises.
Backed by significant mining industry and other business figures, Labor won Saturday’s state election in WA, but largely due to “disastrous” results for the opposition Liberal and National parties.
These demands require an all-out assault on working-class conditions and basic democratic rights, to be unleashed as soon as the federal election is out of the way.
Abdel-Fattah’s employment has been directly threatened by last week’s decision of the Australian Research Council, acting at the behest of the Albanese government, to freeze her research grant.
Important resolutions were passed at two National Tertiary Education Union branch meetings to defend free speech, academic freedom and Randa Abdel-Fattah, who is being targeted for opposing the Israeli genocide.
Police on Tuesday arrested and issued “very, very serious” federal criminal charges against one of the Bankstown Hospital workers being persecuted by the media and the governments in Israel and Australia.
After the High Court ruled his own United Australia Party (UAP) could not be re-registered, Palmer, who is openly seeking to emulate Trump, has simply taken over a re-badged registered political party.
Similar pledges, to “save Medicare,” have been made in every election for decades, only to be broken by Labor and Coalition governments alike once the polls closed.
Making a mockery of parliamentary democracy, the “Electoral Reform” bill was rammed through without even giving MPs a chance to read its final details, let alone members of the public, after a backroom deal between Labor and the Coalition.
In return for an undisclosed sum of money, Nauru’s government has “agreed” to grant 30-year visas to an initial three victims of the Albanese government’s deportation regime.
The government-appointed Reserve Bank of Australia board begrudgingly cut rates to try to ease the political crisis produced by the widespread working-class hostility that has developed to the Labor government.
•Mike Head
Amid Zionist witch-hunt against Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah
To enforce the escalating attack on free speech, the committee recommended changes to allow universities to discipline or dismiss employees accused of “hate speech.”
The YouGov survey points to the Liberal-National Coalition being in a slightly stronger position than Labor to cobble together a fragile post-election government.