Labor plans to slash $60 billion from disability funding over the next decade, imposing stricter eligibility criteria and cost-cutting assessment tools.
The campaign has revealed a growing constituency of workers and young people seeking a genuine political alternative to the capitalist programs of Labor, Liberal, and the Greens.
This is the text of the speech delivered by Max Boddy, Socialist Equality Party (Australia) assistant national secretary, to the 2024 International May Day Online Rally.
NDIS Minister Bill Shorten outlined measures to block most children from the NDIS, and to use “assessors” to deny access to many adult applicants as well.
“This boycott involves more than just casting informal ballots. It requires active participation in the campaign leading up to the referendum on the October 14.”
This lecture was delivered by Max Boddy, assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), to the SEP (US) International Summer School, held between July 30 and August 4, 2023.
Working-class households are being driven into destitution by skyrocketing rents, mortgage payments and power prices, making a mockery of Labor’s budget and election promises.
This was a blatant act of political censorship, showing that the NTEU bureaucrats are intent on stifling the democratic rights of members as they rush to push through sell-out enterprise bargaining deals at one university after the other.
The social situation in Bankstown, with soaring rents and mortgages, stagnant or declining incomes and mounting social distress, shows that capitalism offers no future for the working class.
The parliamentary parties never miss an opportunity to pay lip service to essential workers, but when it comes to wages and conditions, Labor and the Coalition are adamant—a pay rise in line with inflation is impossible.
This is the first industrial action by nurses at the two private hospitals in more than 20 years, amid a broader struggle by health care workers across the country, who have carried out strikes throughout the year.
The NSWNMA letter presents a proposed real wage cut as a step forward, demonstrating that nurses are in struggle, not against management but the union as well.
The determination of nurses to fight is running up against a union bureaucracy that is doing everything possible to wrap up the dispute and ram through a sell-out deal.