The accumulation of obscene wealth by Walmart and the Walton family is a direct product of the super-exploitation of an underpaid workforce, which has been reduced from 2.3 million in 2020 to 2.1 million in 2024.
The worst fire disaster in Chile’s history is primarily a consequence of a capitalist-made climate crisis that is with increased frequency devastating populations in every corner of the planet.
Authoritarian and police state policies implemented under President Boric’s Apruebo Dignidad coalition government are enshrined in the draft constitution.
Since coming to power in 2022, Boric has been in sync with US talking points, railing against Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba for not meeting Washington’s “democratic” standards, while aligning with the imperialist war drive against Russia.
Monday’s ceremony marking 50 years since the overthrow of Salvador Allende was noteworthy for its boycott by the entire Chilean right, whose representatives issued statements justifying the coup.
On top of the flooding and fires, Chile confronts a water crisis that is due not only to protracted drought, but also to the wholesale privatization of the nation’s water supplies, 80 percent of which are controlled by corporate interests.
The party receiving the most votes was the fascistic Republicans, led by José Antonio Kast, the son of a Nazi German officer and admirer of US president Donald Trump.
All the parties in the governing coalition have supported ramming through in record time 15 pieces of legislation that further enshrine a police state.
Contrary to its promises of equality and justice, the Boric administration has proven to be among the most right-wing governments of Latin America's so-called Pink Tide.
A 14-year drought caused by climate change, criminally reckless forestry industry activity, unusually high temperatures and strong Patagonian winds have created the perfect conditions for the disaster unfolding in Chile.
In light of the growing militancy in the working class, political lessons need to be drawn from the perfidious role of all the present organizations that dominate the working class.
At least 195 demonstrators were arrested at rallies on Tuesday, October 18 commemorating the third anniversary of the social explosion that shook Chile in 2019.
The overwhelming vote to reject the constitution represents a popular rebuke to the pseudo-left coalition government and its acquiescence to every demand of international finance capital.
Police repression is already taking hold under the Boric administration against hunger riots and looting, school occupations, road blockades by truck owner-operators, and striking port and health workers.
The “Caso Quemados” (case of the burnt ones) occurred in the midst of demonstrations against depression-level unemployment, poverty and bloody repression under the Pinochet dictatorship.