The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) reported that in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver, a full-time minimum-wage worker would need to work 138 to 141 hours per month to afford a basic two-bedroom unit, leaving nothing for other necessities like food, utilities and transportation.
As the Liberal government, backed by the trade unions and New Democrats, spend tens of billions on waging war around the world and enriching their corporate paymasters, growing numbers of people are forced to resort to permanently living in tents with virtually none of the amenities necessary for modern living.
The month-long strike at the AGO provides a case study regarding the extent to which the capitalist class will go to subordinate the livelihood of workers and all aspects of social life, including culture, to the insatiable needs of the profit system.
In a decision with far-reaching implications for democratic rights and scientific research, a Federal Court has endorsed the Canadian government’s denial of a visa to a Chinese Ph.D student based solely on his nationality, area of study and previous university affiliation.
The report found that contemporary forms of slavery and exploitation abound under Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program, which is chiefly used to provide low-paid workers from impoverished countries for employers, especially in the agricultural and food-processing sectors.
Professor Sofyan Taya was a UNESCO Chair for Physical and Astrophysical Sciences. According to a 2021 report by Stanford University, he was among the top 2 percent of researchers in optics globally.
Music and the arts are not viewed as something worth supporting by the financial elite because they represent a drain on resources that could be, from the point of view of the capitalists, better spent on investing in the stock market or waging war.
While CUPE’s sellout materially weakened the education workers in their struggle, conditions remain highly favourable for the development of a mass working class movement against capitalist austerity and an end to real-terms wage cuts.
Underscoring that the imperialist powers are actively preparing for a nuclear conflict with Russia, Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly said Ottawa is preparing for all eventualities.
Lax safety standards and the rapacious pursuit of profit at all costs have resulted in the plant becoming one of the most unsafe workplaces in Ontario.
Nothing is publicly known about the contents, stipulations or purpose of the 40 secret orders-in-council the federal Liberal government has adopted since the beginning of 2020.
Workers at the plant are outraged over Quoc Le’s death. More than 60 workers assembled at the gates of the plant on Thursday, chanting, “No more deaths!”
The pathetic collapse of the trade unions’ bogus campaign for a “progressive government" is the deserved outcome of their repeated efforts to sabotage every significant workers’ struggle over the past four years.
The deluge of heavy weaponry Canada and the other NATO powers are sending Ukraine will exacerbatean already an explosive situation. The slightest miscalculation could ignite a nuclear conflict.
The reactionary pro-war campaign targeting everything Russian has little popular support. This was underscored by the outcry that erupted against the March 8 decision of the Honens to unilaterally ban the Russian pianists.
The Western powers’ success in goading Putin to launch a reactionary war in Ukraine has intensified economic and geopolitical rivalries around the globe, including in the far north. The major powers view the Arctic, with its vast natural resources and trade routes opening up due to climate change, as a key battleground.
Even though recent shelling in eastern Ukraine was instigated by Ukrainian forces, Canada’s foreign ministry asserted without any evidence that “Russian military activity” was “escalating” the situation in Donbas.
•Matthew Richter
“There’s no way to social distance, the hallways are clogged full like sardines”
The demands being advanced by the students are an option to enroll in remote learning along with the provision of N95 masks and rapid antigen tests. They are also calling for students to be given immediate access to booster shots and the right to be notified when there is a case reported in their school.