European Union and Tunisia agree dirty deal to keep refugees out of Europe
The EU has promised Tunisia’s autocratic ruler financial aid worth €900 million in return for preventing refugees from reaching its borders.
The EU has promised Tunisia’s autocratic ruler financial aid worth €900 million in return for preventing refugees from reaching its borders.
On June 14, a fishing vessel carrying hundreds of refugees, the Adriana, sank off the Greek port city of Pylos. Roughly 600 people, including children, drowned.
The European Union is responsible for the mass death: its refugee policy deliberately aims to let people die of thirst or drown in order to prevent others from fleeing to Europe.
According to the witnesses, the Greek coast guard threw a rope to the refugee boat and initially tried to tow it away. When this apparently did not succeed, the Coast Guard boat first made a sharp turn to the right and then to the left, causing the boat to capsize.
At their meeting in Luxembourg last Thursday, EU interior ministers effectively abandoned the right of asylum for refugees.
At least 29 refugees drowned off the Tunisian coast in three boat accidents last week, and another 67 people are missing, according to aid agencies.
The cruel deaths of the 74 refugees cast a harsh spotlight on the murderous policies of the European Union, which deliberately accepts these victims in order to prevent other refugees from reaching Europe.
Illegal pushbacks, deprivation of liberty, beatings, sexual assaults are now part of the standard repertoire used by the European Union to repel refugees.
The discrimination based on skin colour and national origin of refugees from Ukraine shows the hypocrisy of European refugee policy.
The deaths off the Libyan coast, together with another 30 refugees in the Aegean, bring the year’s total to 1,887 people seeking shelter in Europe.
The Polish government, with the support of the European Union and NATO, is waging a veritable war against refugees.
The plight of refugees stranded in the no man’s land on the border between Poland and Belarus is becoming increasingly dramatic.
The criminal character of the European Union is nowhere more clearly revealed than in its brutal treatment of people seeking refuge.
Chief responsibility lies with the governments in Berlin, Rome, Paris, Vienna and The Hague, which have blocked all legal avenues to Europe.
More than 1,200 refugees have died trying to reach Europe this year, most of them drowned in the central Mediterranean.
The inhumane treatment of the desperate people on Lesbos is the product of deliberate policies being pursued by the European Union and its member states.
More than 400 refugees are waiting in the central Mediterranean Sea off Sicily to be assigned to a safe haven.
The core elements are the internment of refugees at the EU’s external borders and the implementation of fast-track asylum procedures.
The forced placement of refugees in large communal accommodation facilities exposes many people whose health is weakened to a deadly risk.
The mission’s mandate includes stopping and searching ships suspected of transporting weapons to Libya.