Collective bargaining in the German public sector has again demonstrated that the working class is facing a political struggle against not only the incoming government of the conservative Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, but against their lackeys leading the trade unions as well.
Only an independent and international movement of the working class, which takes up a fight against the government’s pro-war agenda, can ensure decent wages and social conditions.
Anger in public sector workplaces is growing, especially because the SPD and Christian Democrats have agreed to spend billions on armaments. But the Verdi union is clinging even more firmly to its pro-capitalist strategy and collaboration with the SPD.
In the past few days, tens of thousands in over 100 cities have protested and paid tribute to the nine young people with a migrant background, who were shot dead by the German racist Tobias Rathjen five years ago, on 19 February 2020.
Ever since a young man drove his car into a union demonstration, leading politicians in Germany have not ceased to whip up anti-refugee sentiments, call for a “strong state,” and demand even more deportations.
The more openly Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right regime is waging a genocidal campaign against the Palestinian population in Gaza, the more ruthlessly the German authorities are cracking down on any criticism of it.
The years of cover-ups and denials by the German judiciary in this and other cases represents a serious warning. Justice will not come from these forces.
The conference hosted over 60 speakers from universities in ten countries and several hundred participants, with a further 2,000 or so people participating online.
The exhibition starkly illuminates the fact that fascism is not the result of morally bad people, but arises from the profit-making economy of capitalism in decline.
Continental is set to close two plants next year and Schaeffler has announced mass sackings. The IG Metal union has agreed a new contract that imposes an “industrial peace” and so will not lift a finger to conduct a fight to defend jobs.
New laws tightening gun control and increasing deportations are part of the attempts by the German government to prepare the state for the impending explosive conflicts with the working class.
•Marianne Arens
“It is fair to say that there is a continuity of fascism in Germany”
Flyers advertising the event have been well received, with thousands handed out Goethe University, the University of Applied Sciences, the Riedberg natural science campus and the old Bockenheim campus, as well as at many workplaces and in working class neighborhoods.
Manager Magazine has published a list of the 500 richest Germans and calculated that their private assets and wealth in 2023 amounted to a record €1.1 trillion, an increase of €53 billion compared to the previous year.