While the company has stated the closure would take place in mid-2026, it is already escalating its attacks on jobs, with “temporary” months-long layoffs beginning in December.
The defeat of the Alaska Airlines contract is a major rebuke to the Association of Flight Attendants apparatus, which had given its full backing to its supposedly “record” deal.
The courageous rebellion by Dakkota workers urgently requires action be taken in their support by autoworkers and rank-and-file UAW members everywhere.
The rebellion by Dakkota workers against the sellout deal is a major rebuke to the UAW bureaucracy, further exposing the fraudulent claims of UAW President Shawn to be leading a struggle for workers’ interests.
The Dakkota walkout is an indication of the ongoing dissatisfaction and growing militancy among auto parts workers, which the UAW apparatus has thus far hoped to contain with a handful of limited, ineffective strikes.
The UAW’s endorsement of first Biden then Harris—both lifelong corporate shills—further refutes any claims of “democracy” or “transparency” within the union.
The deal’s wage increases fall well below what Lear workers have been demanding and fail to make up for years of high inflation and earlier pay concessions.
The mass layoffs revealed Monday double the number Deere has announced for the year, now totaling over 1,600, part of an escalating assault on jobs throughout the auto industry and other industrial sectors.
It has taken little more than a year for the “reform” pretensions of Fain & Co. to be definitively exposed as nothing more than hypocritical lies, aimed at giving a facelift to the UAW bureaucracy’s corporatist, antiworker policies.
The latest UAW monitor report marks a dramatic intensification of the crisis gripping the UAW bureaucracy, further eroding the pretensions of Fain’s administration to be carrying out “reforms,” rooting out corruption and winning major improvements for workers.
SEIU has limited strikes by janitors in advance to just three days, while calling a strike by nursing home workers for only 24 hours, as it seeks to corral opposition among its members.
Biden is relying on the UAW and other union bureaucracies to chain the working class to the war chariot of US imperialism, as Washington seeks to exert global domination through military force.
The DSA has been an integral component of the Democrats’ attempted rehabilitation of the UAW apparatus, while other pseudo-left organizations are coming forward as an additional line of defense.
The deal backed by the UAW is virtually unchanged from the previous three union-endorsed agreements that Lear workers rejected since early August, by 95 percent, 75 percent, and 72 percent respectively.
The contract brought back by the UAW bureaucracy is a brazen attack on workers’ living standards, with sub-inflation raises which will leave workers poorer by the end of the four-year agreement.