Laurent Lafrance

Quebec nurses reject union-backed concessions contract

Nurses and public sector workers can make no gains based on a strategy of pressuring the unions and the government. They must turn to the rest of the working class and mobilize its immense power in a counter-offensive against the entire austerity program of the ruling class.

Laurent Lafrance

The struggle of Quebec’s 600,000 public sector workers at the crossroads

To prevail against the big business CAQ government, workers must wrest control of their struggle from the pro-capitalist union apparatuses and transform it into a unified political offensive of the entire working class against the Quebec and Canadian ruling elite’s agenda of austerity and war.

Laurent Lafrance

How the 2015 Quebec public sector workers’ struggle was derailed—vital lessons for today

With the explosion of workers’ struggles on an international scale, conditions are even more favorable for the development of a mass movement against austerity and war. But as in 2015, the unions are determined to prevent a working-class challenge to the capitalist elite’s class-war agenda and to isolate Quebec public sector workers from their class brothers and sisters in the rest of Canada.

Laurent Lafrance

The current policy of ‘living with the virus’ is a recipe for disaster”:

Canadian education workers call for Zero COVID as deadly eighth wave gathers pace

The pandemic has revealed more than ever that workers, wherever they live in Canada , confront the same essential political issues and must wage a common struggle to eliminate the virus from our schools.

Aviva G., Laurent Lafrance

Ten years since the defeat of the Quebec student strike—Critical lessons for today

The fundamental issues raised ten years ago have an even more urgent character today: the need for students to turn to the working class, the only social force capable of providing a progressive solution to the systemic global capitalist crisis; and the need to resolve the crisis of revolutionary leadership within the working class.

Laurent Lafrance, Richard Dufour