Joseph Santolan

Philippines not to join wargames in the South China Sea

Duterte’s announcement that the Philippines will not participate in US naval exercises in the disputed waters comes amid a dramatic escalation of Washington’s preparations for war with China.

Joseph Santolan

Duterte reacts to COVID-19 with military repression

The Duterte administration has responded to the pandemic not with the deployment of masks, testing and treatment, but heavily-armed military checkpoints, armored personnel carriers and police state repression.

Joseph Santolan

Chinese president visits the Philippines

Xi Jinping visited Manila in the midst of Washington’s escalation of economic warfare against Beijing and advanced preparations for direct military conflict.

Joseph Santolan

Political showdown erupts in the Philippines

The battlelines between President Duterte and Senator Trillanes express the twin pressures upon the Filipino ruling class of geopolitical tensions and mounting social unrest.

Joseph Santolan