The Najib conviction is a clear sign that the entire edifice centred on UMNO on which the ruling class has relied for decades is falling apart, opening up the prospect of further political upheavals.
The opposition CNRP undoubtedly has ties to the US, but Hun Sen’s politically bankrupt regime is resorting to blatantly anti-democratic methods to retain power.
Last November’s agreement between Burma and Bangladesh was a ploy to deflect attention from the Burmese military’s ongoing pogrom against Muslim Rohingya.
Washington’s attitude to the humanitarian disaster is not determined by concern for the suffering of the Rohingya, but by its efforts to isolate China in the Indo-Pacific region.
The provision of assault rifles to the New South Wales riot squad is part of an international process of police militarisation to deal with growing social tensions.
The measures will effectively wipe out the results of two elections and give the Cambodian People’s Party unchallengeable control of every level of government.