International Committee of the Fourth International

No to a Greek-Turkish war in the eastern Mediterranean!

Amid the escalation of threats and naval maneuvers between Turkey and Greece, backed by France, Europe and the Middle East are teetering on the brink of war.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Ein Jahr seit der Spaltung im Internationalen Komitee

In October 1985 the Workers Revolutionary Party of Britain, then the oldest and founding section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, was staggered by an organizational crisis without precedent in the history of the Trotskyist movement.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Stoppt den iranisch- irakischen Krieg!

The International Committee of the Fourth International appeals to the workers and peasants of Iran and Iraq to put an end to the horrific war that has engulfed their two nations since September 1980 and to overthrow the reactionary bourgeois regimes that have prosecuted this war.

International Committee of the Fourth International

For a globally coordinated emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic!

Vast resources must be immediately mobilized to contain the spread of the disease, treat and care for those who are infected, and secure the livelihoods of the hundreds of millions of people who will be affected by the economic fallout.

International Committee of the Fourth International

The Lessons of the August Putsch and the Tasks before the Soviet Working Class

The International Committee of the Fourth International welcomes the humiliating collapse of the August 19 Stalinist putsch in Moscow. Within just 61 hours, the military-backed putsch crumbled in an ignominious heap. The Stalinist bureaucracy, the gravedigger of the October Revolution, has suffered a defeat from which it cannot recover.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Provocation in Namibia: Cliff Slaughter and the Workers International

In mid-April of this year, the fragment of the British Workers Revolutionary Party led by Cliff Slaughter convened a conference in Budapest where it proclaimed the formation of a “Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International.”

International Committee of the Fourth International

Cliff Slaughter Renounces Marxism

Five years after the British Workers Revolutionary Party split from the International Committee of the Fourth International, Cliff Slaughter, the secretary of the ICFI until 1985, who was the key figure in organizing the split, has publicly repudiated the historical role and significance of the Fourth International.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Oppose Imperialist War and Colonialism!

On May Day 1991, the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky, issues a call for the convocation of a World Conference of Workers against Imperialist War and Colonialism.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Fourth International Magazine: Volume 17, Numbers 1-2

This document was originally published in January-March 1990 as Volume 17, Numbers 1-2 of Fourth International, then the quarterly theoretical journal of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI).

International Committee of the Fourth International

Fourth International Magazine: Volume 15, Number 2

This document was originally published in April, 1988 as Volume 15, Number 2 of Fourth International, then the quarterly theoretical journal of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI).

International Committee of the Fourth International

G. Healy and V. Redgrave: Political Agents of the KGB

The public meeting which is being held this afternoon by the so-called Marxist Party, ostensibly to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the October Revolution, is a calculated provocation against the Trotskyist movement. Its political purpose is to create a bogus “Fourth International” cover for the politics of counterrevolutionary Stalinism inside the British workers’ movement.

International Committee of the Fourth International

What is Happening in the USSR? Gorbachev and the Crisis of Stalinism

Gorbachev represents not the Soviet workers and the conquests they made in overthrowing czarism and establishing the first workers’ state, but rather the bureaucratic caste which usurped political power from the working class. He is the heir not of Lenin and Trotsky, who led the revolution of 1917, but rather of its gravedigger—Stalin.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Nine Years Since the Death of Comrade Tom Henehan

The International Committee of the Fourth International honors and commemorates the struggle and sacrifice of Comrade Tom Henehan on the ninth anniversary of his assassination.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Halt the Iran-Iraq War

The International Committee of the Fourth International appeals to the workers and peasants of Iran and Iraq to put an end to the horrific war that has engulfed their two nations since September 1980 and to overthrow the reactionary bourgeois regimes that have prosecuted this war.

International Committee of the Fourth International