Surging violence and political crisis in Congo
The year-old civil war in central Congo’s Kasai provinces is now producing more refugees than the wars in Iraq and Syria.
The year-old civil war in central Congo’s Kasai provinces is now producing more refugees than the wars in Iraq and Syria.
Twin bombings in central areas of Somalia’s capital of MogadishuSaturday killed at least 302 people and injured 300 others, with thedeath toll expected to climb.
The imperialist war in Mali, spearheaded by France, is aimed at seizing control of the massive energy reserves in the West African country.
The war waged against Yemen by the Saudi monarchy, supported extensively by the US government, has produced a social catastrophe that easily ranks among the worst war crimes in modern history.
US military commandos are presently involved in over 100 missions simultaneously across the African continent, according to internal Pentagon documents.
The number of homeless living in Los Angeles County grew by 23 percent over the last year, rising to 58,000.
China’s expansion of economic investment in Africa is part of its “One Belt, One Road” initiative, through which Beijing seeks to revive a modern day Silk Road connecting China and Asia with Europe.
Amid the worst famine conditions since the Second World War, the capitalist ruling classes are stoking war and militarism in Somalia and throughout the Horn of Africa.
The American military is “war-gaming procedures to work in a famine-type environment,” according to AFRICOM commander General Thomas Waldhauser.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is at the center of the US government’s neocolonial agenda for Africa.
The South Sudanese elites brought to power by Washington have been organizing ethnic repression on a genocidal scale, the UN human rights commission found.
Wars waged or organized by the American government in numerous African countries, including Libya, Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, and Mali, have turned millions into refugees.
Six years after the US-backed partition of Sudan, the newly autonomous, oil-wealthy South Sudan is beset by spreading famine and a raging civil war.
Starvation and malnutrition are menacing the lives of 10-15 million people in the Horn of Africa countries of Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.
Ethiopia’s government declared a state of emergency on Sunday, one week after security forces massacred as many as 600 civilians.
In working class cities, suburbs and rural towns across the United States, the hatred for Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump is palpable.
The military operation is empowered to conduct offensive operations against units loyal to both the government and the opposition.
US ground troops were involved in fighting in Libya this week in operations that include supporting local militias and coordinating air attacks from a secret base just outside of Sirte.
The latest weapons deal highlights the central role of American imperialism in organizing and facilitating the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
The CIA has aggressively funneled weaponry to Al Qaeda militias in Aleppo, enabling the US proxy forces to temporarily break the Syrian government’s encirclement of the city.