Graham Beverley

The Role of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in sabotaging postal workers’ struggles: 2011-2024–Part 1

CUPW’s record of isolating postal workers from the rest of the working class and sabotaging their struggles the moment they develop into a direct political confrontation with the government underscores that to take a single step forward in their contract struggle, postal workers must break politically and organizationally from the union bureaucracy’s suffocating straitjacket.

Graham Beverley, Penny Smith

Head of Canada’s NDP auditions before US elite

Official Opposition leader Thomas Mulcair made a trip to Washington and New York last week to assure US business and political leaders that an NDP government would be a dependable ally of American imperialism.

Graham Beverley

No recovery for young workers and students in Canada

Even as Canada’s Conservative government and the corporate media crow about “economic recovery,” the latest jobless figures underscore the precarious situation facing young workers and students.

Graham Beverley

Canada’s Greens: an aspirant establishment party

As many as one in every ten Canadians who participate in the October 14 federal election will cast their vote for the Green Party, or at least so claim the opinion polls.

John Mackay, Graham Beverley

In face of new evidence child-detainee was abused and tortured

Canada reaffirms support for Khadr’s Guantánamo Bay detention and prosecution

Recently released Canadian government documents and video footage have provided fresh evidence that Canadian citizen Omar Khadr has been abused and tortured by the US military while under detention in the US’s government’s Guantánamo Bay concentration camp.

Graham Beverley, Keith Jones

Canada complicit in illegal detention and torture of Omar Khadr

Over the strenuous objections of the Canadian government, the country’s Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that Ottawa must turn over to the legal defence team representing Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen and Guantánamo Bay detainee, some of the Crown documents that pertain to his case.

Graham Beverley