Homeless tent camp broken up by Labour-run Manchester council
Breaking up the encampment has obviously done nothing to address the underlying problem of a complete lack of accessible, secure and affordable accommodation for those in need.
Breaking up the encampment has obviously done nothing to address the underlying problem of a complete lack of accessible, secure and affordable accommodation for those in need.
Marie Curie revealed that the Labour Party’s savage cut to the winter fuel payments will leave 44,000 terminally ill pensioners without the much-needed payment worth up to £300.
Every single penny seized from disabled people, and millions of other benefit claimants will be going towards massively increased military spending.
World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke to health workers across the sector about the crisis they face on the front line.
In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Starmer pledged to “get to grips with the bulging benefits bill blighting our society” and to “crack down hard on anyone who tries to game the system”.
Labour’s new welfare payment restriction, means testing winter fuel allowance, will add hundreds of thousands of elderly people to this growing toll of victims of austerity.
The average energy bill will increase 10 percent this quarter. The means-testing of the Winter Fuel Allowance will cut payments to roughly 10 million pensioners with an income higher than a pitifully low £12,000 a year.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies has highlighted the damage being caused by an exploding mortgage timebomb, with those renewing their home loans, or having to take out new loans in the past two years experiencing a sharp fall in their disposable income.
Hospices are an integral part of the healthcare system yet remain largely funded by charities. Adult hospices only receive one third of their funding from the state.
WSWS reporter Dennis Moore interviewed Pring about the Museum of Austerity, his involvement in it and the issues it raises.
The innovative installation utilises holographic/augmented technology creating life like images and recorded interviews with family members drawing together the terrible personal and social impact of over a decade of brutal austerity.
According to the government’s figures, loss of private tenancy—including through the landlord selling or re-letting the property or increasing the rent—was the largest single cause of homelessness in the first three months of the year, affecting 39 percent more households than the year before.
Councils in London have 166,000 people living in temporary accommodation, equal to the population of entire London boroughs, or the population of cities the size of Oxford.
With an additional 8,000 officers in England and Wales carrying Taser guns, it means that 25,000 out of 123,000 cops—one in five—are armed.
The real number of deaths is likely to be higher as several local authorities did not respond to freedom of information requests.
Freedom of Information responses from 29 police forces in England and Wales reveal that 1,173 people sleeping out or begging on the streets have been arrested under the 200-year-old Vagrancy Act since 2021.
The homeless charity Shelter described the private sector as like the wild west, with people gazumped and tenants evicted and replaced with higher paying tenants.
Generally targeting the poorest, this has been a mechanism for energy companies to retrieve outstanding debt while still taking payment for ongoing use of gas and electricity.
While many in Britain are wondering how they will pay for soaring food and fuel bills, living hand to mouth, and even dependent on food banks, the government is proposing to spend £613 million over three years in its offensive against the poor.
Around 70 workers at Chep UK in Trafford Park, Greater Manchester, are continuing their indefinite pay strike, begun on December 17.