Dan Conway

2,300 teachers slated for layoffs in California

Thousands of California educators and support staff are expected to lose their jobs before the start of the 2025-2026 academic year more than 2,300 school employees received pink slips last week.

Dan Conway

Workers speak out on devastation from Los Angeles fires

The damage and economic impact of the firestorm is now projected by Accuweather to reach $275 billion. This would make it one of the costliest disasters in US history.

David Benson, Dan Conway, Bryan Dyne

Los Angeles police terrorize schoolchildren in series of unannounced campus raids

This month, Los Angeles police armed and clad in riot gear burst into classroom without warning at Northridge Middle Community school, pointing rifles at students and staff and demanding that the school be put on lockdown. The event follows at similar series of police incursions which have resulted in no significant opposition from the teachers union

Dan Conway

University of California optometrists launch two-day strike

The recent two day strike of optometrists at the UC system was deliberately isolated by the UPTE union and underscores the critical need for health care workers to form their own, independent rank and file committees.

Dan Conway

Cal State workers: Vote “No” on the CFA’s sell out agreement!

Opposition grows to strike betrayal by California Faculty Association

The cancellation of the Cal State university worker strike this week has led to an outpouring of anger and underscores the necessity for the building and strengthening of rank and file committees in opposition to the treacherous union establishment.

Dan Conway