Cheryl Crisp is the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in Australia. She was a founding member of the Socialist Labour League, the forerunner of the SEP, in 1972, and has played a leading role in the Trostkyist movement in Australia for more than four decades. She was elected Assistant National Secretary at the Third National Congress of the SEP in 2016.
The pandemic is being used as the pretext for the destruction of workers’ pay levels and working conditions—something that governments have been unable to achieve for 20 years.
Scammell, an accomplished conductor and music director, denounces the media outlets instrumental in promoting sexual misconduct accusations against her partner, effectively destroying his television and theatrical career and ruining his mental health.
Amid the current highly promoted campaign over “violence against women,” the actual situation surrounding the latest tragic deaths is deliberately ignored to conceal the social conditions that produce such deadly events.
This is the text of the speech delivered by Cheryl Crisp, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), to the 2024 International May Day Online Rally.
The line of the feminist commentators is profoundly reactionary, denying the responsibility of governments for the social and mental health crisis and promoting sweeping police powers.
We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard given by Cheryl Crisp, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party of Australia, to a memorial meeting for Comrade Helen held by the Socialist Equality Party (US) and the International Committee of the Fourth International on Sunday, December 3.
While findings have been made against other legal practitioners over the years, the breadth of those against Director of Public Prosecutions Drumgold is somewhat unprecedented and could include criminal conduct.
The collapse of the Lehrmann trial may be a further blow to the #MeToo crusade, but its proponents are just as likely to seize on another case to seek to revive their reactionary efforts.
A Socialist Equality Party member for 15 years, Virginia was 69 years old when she succumbed to an aggressive, inoperable and untreatable cancer, only three months after receiving the diagnosis.
Regina was sustained during her difficult struggle against cancer by her belief in socialist internationalism and an unwavering determination to contribute to that historic fight.
•Cheryl Crisp
“Never in modern history have we just rolled over and said, ‘Yes, we must totally submit to infectious diseases.’ It’s a bizarre and unprecedented situation.”
We are republishing the April video interview with Dr Berger, along with an edited text transcript, to assist those fighting AHPRA’s blatant attempt to gag this principled fighter for Zero-COVID and consistent opponent of the Australian governments’ homicidal “let it rip” policies.
This is the report delivered by Cheryl Crisp to the 2022 International May Day Online Rally held on May 1. Crisp is the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in Australia.
•Cheryl Crisp
“Never in modern history have we just rolled over and said, ‘Yes, we must totally submit to infectious diseases.’ It’s a bizarre and unprecedented situation.”
Berger denounces the failure of governments to protect the population from COVID-19 and calls for an “information war” to refute the unscientific material and lies about the disease from the government and mainstream media.
Launched amid the COVID-19 disaster, the Socialist Equality Party’s campaign is part of the fight for the independent mobilisation of the working class against the capitalist profit system.
The Hawke Labor government’s 1987-91 Royal Commission into indigenous deaths in custody resulted in not one person being charged or prosecuted, a record that has continued for the past three decades.
This outbreak exposes the fact that the failures of the system of quarantine hotels and contact tracing during the outbreak in mid-2020, when some 800 people died in Victoria, have not been addressed.
While they were imposing poverty-level wages and dire conditions on the workers they falsely claim to represent, several Health Services Union were looting the organisation’s treasury for their own purposes.