Carola Kleinert

“A vote for the SGP is a vote against war and capitalist barbarism!”

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei holds final election rally in Berlin

The SGP is running in the early federal elections on February 23 to oppose the all-party coalition for war and social cuts, and to build an international movement against war and capitalism.

Florian Hasek, Carola Kleinert

Warning strike in German local public transit:

Break the stranglehold of the Verdi union! Build independent action committees!

Calling the first nationwide public transit strike since 1992, Verdi is reacting to the growing anger of transport workers over intolerable working conditions and low wages. But the union is doing all it can to sabotage the strike.

Carola Kleinert, Andy Niklaus

Berlin: Thousands demonstrate against genocide in Gaza

Mass protests against the Netanyahu government’s genocide of the Palestinian people are increasing worldwide. Despite bans and massive police presence, demonstrations involving thousands took place in numerous cities in Germany over the weekend.

Carola Kleinert

Catastrophic situation at Berlin children’s hospitals

The Berlin Children’s Hospitals Initiative has sent a second “open letter” drawing attention to the devastating situation at children’s hospitals and child emergency centres in the capital.

Carola Kleinert, Markus Salzmann