Barbara Slaughter

96-year-old veteran British Trotskyist Barbara Slaughter calls for the release of Bogdan Syrotiuk

This statement was delivered by Barbara Slaughter, a leading member of the Socialist Equality Party in the UK and a fighter for socialism for nearly 80 years. Slaughter calls for the release of Bogdan Syrotiuk, the Ukrainan socialist who was arrested by the Zelensky government last month and faces framed-up treason cahrges that threaten him with decades of years in prison.

Barbara Slaughter

Speech to the December 10 IYSSE anti-war rally

The young generation holds the fate of humanity in its hands

The following are the remarks by Barbara Slaughter, the longest active member of the Fourth International, to the December 10 rally, “For a Mass Movement of Students and Youth to Stop the War in Ukraine!” organized by the International Youth and Students for Social Equality.

Barbara Slaughter

100 years since the founding of the Bauhaus

This year marks the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus movement in Germany, which played a key role in the development of progressive art and culture in the twentieth century.

Barbara Slaughter, Stefan Steinberg

Leeds bus workers strike over pay

Earlier this month, 250 workers employed by First Bus Leeds voted unanimously to reject management’s paltry pay offer and begin a campaign of strike action.

Barbara Slaughter

European Trotskyists mark seventieth anniversary of World War II

“It was industrialised slaughter on an unimaginable scale”

On October 11 in London, the European sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International held a joint meeting on the lessons of the Second World War. We publish here the remarks made by veteran Trotskyist and SEP (UK) Central Committee member Barbara Slaughter.

Barbara Slaughter

Britain: Leeds refuse workers vote to continue strike

At a mass meeting on October 21, striking Leeds refuse workers voted by a massive 92 percent majority to reject the “final offer” from Leeds City Council and continue their seven-week strike.

Barbara Slaughter

Britain: Leeds refuse workers strike against pay cuts

Six hundred workers employed in refuse collection, street cleansing and waste management in Leeds are on strike against the plans of Leeds City Council to cut their wages by up to £6,000 a year on the spurious pretext of an “equality” re-grading scheme.

Barbara Slaughter

South Africa: COSATU calls off public service strike

The longest public service strike in South African history has been called off by the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) after 28 days. The dispute began on June 1, when workers from 17 unions took all-out strike action in support of a demand for a wage increase of 12 percent across the board. The final settlement was for a 7.5 percent raise and increases in housing and health benefits.

Barbara Slaughter

General strike hits South Africa

More than half a million workers marched through the towns and cities of South Africa on June 13. They were amongst the hundreds of thousands of workers taking one-day solidarity strike action in support of the all-out strike of public service workers that had entered its 13th day. They included municipal workers, taxi and bus drivers, electricity and cleaning workers, administrative staff and officials from border posts and airports.

Barbara Slaughter

South Africa: Factional war intensifies between Mbeki and Zuma supporters in ANC

On May 8, Jacob Zuma, former deputy president of South Africa, was acquitted of the charge of rape in the Johannesburg High Court. The accusation against him was made last December, causing him to step down from the office of vice president of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) until a verdict was reached.

Barbara Slaughter