
Video: For an active boycott of Australian Labor’s Voice referendum!

In this video, Cheryl Crisp, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), outlines the party’s call for an active boycott of Labor’s Voice referendum.

The campaign, as Crisp explains, is directed at charting an independent political path for all workers and young people, in opposition to the pro-business racialism espoused by the Yes and No camps.

For an active boycott of Australian Labor’s Voice referendum!

We encourage readers to share the video, which is also available on YouTube and Facebook, as widely as possible through social media and email, as well as to coworkers, friends and family.

The video appeals to viewers to attend the SEP’s upcoming public meeting on the active boycott campaign, which will be held at 2 p.m. (AEDT) on Sunday, October 1, in Community Room 2, Bryan Brown Theatre, 80 Rickard Rd, Bankstown, Sydney.

The meeting will also be livestreamed. Register now to attend in person or online.

Note: Under conditions of compulsory voting, which makes it a crime to urge a boycott of the vote itself, the SEP calls on workers and youth to register their opposition by casting informal ballots and join our active boycott campaign in the lead-up to October 14, that goes well beyond the individual act of voting. 

Authorised by Cheryl Crisp for the Socialist Equality Party, Suite 906, 185 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000