
“Dr. Berger is one of the few good people we have left to give us reliable, truthful information. Without this we simply cannot keep ourselves safe.”

Ex-health insurance worker, former chair of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Western Australia, and others defend Dr. Berger

The World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) is continuing to receive statements in support of Dr. David Berger, an Australian physician and dedicated Zero-COVID advocate, who is facing disciplinary action from the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) because of his opposition to the official “let it rip” pandemic policies of mass infection and death.

Since the publication of our first article, which calls on scientists, health workers and other sections of workers to speak out in defence of Dr. Berger, the WSWS has published three articles compiling these statements and will continue to do so this week. These articles have been read by tens of thousands of people throughout the world.

We urge readers to speak out in Berger’s defence by emailing your statements here. Please indicate in the email how you would like to be identified in our next article, and if you want to include a photo, please attach one to the email.

Dr. Colin Hughes sent the following statement of support for Dr. David Berger. Hughes is a former chair of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Western Australia and a former head of Public Health East Metro Perth. He is currently a tutor at the Curtin Medical School.

It wasn’t the delayed vaccine rollout that was the worst of the Morrison government’s COVID response. Nor the $40 billion paid to companies that made a profit during the initial shutdown. It was the total refusal to accept Public Health advice about the management plan. Their delayed plans for purpose-built quarantine; the pretence that they were supporting State Governments while pandering to the “Freedom” anti-vaccine zealots.

Colin Hughes (Image supplied)

Worst of all was their reliance on advice from doctors like Dr. Nick Coatsworth and his message, still repeated on MSM [mainstream media] current affairs, that COVID was not airborne, masks didn’t matter, that kids were not affected by COVID, and that we had to learn to live with it.

Most dangerous of all was the message that vaccination was the silver bullet that would see our way out of COVID. Thank goodness for doctors like Dr. David Berger and former AMA president Dr. Andrew Miller, amongst many others, to tell the truth about the consequences of a failed Public Health response to a virus that has been shown to easily morph into more virulent, contagious and vaccine immune strains.

Look at Asia. There mask-wearing is a civic duty. You wear a mask to protect not only yourself but your loved ones at home, especially your grandparents, your mates at work and those in the community most vulnerable. Instead of millions of dollars of taxpayer dollars being spent on pre-election propaganda of the fake and inadequate response to the Climate Emergency; that money should have been spent on Public Health information on how best to protect the community from COVID.

There are some amazing graphics developed overseas showing a coloured gas response to coughing and breathing in COVID infected air. Simple advice to open a window and ensure that government regulations covered CO2 monitors, clean air and HEPA filters in all offices, public buildings and especially schools. Compared with what it has cost the taxpayer for the botched response, these measures would be highly cost effective.

So why hasn’t it happened under the new Albanese Labor government? While they are busy calling summits on wage parity and industrial relations, why isn’t Health Minister Butler calling for a summit on Australia’s ongoing response to everlasting COVID?

We need a summit and a democratic discussion involving frontline respiratory physicians and emergency medicine doctors, as well as the RACGP and AMA. All state chief health officers and ministers should attend. Most importantly can we please have true public health doctors attend who are aware of the principles of harm minimisation and health literacy?


I just read the two articles published about the Australian government and ruling class’ attempts to silence the good doctor and wanted to throw my two cents in as a sign of support. What follows is just an observation as to the absurdity of Dr. Berger’s predicament and, in general, all systems operating under capitalism.

Over years of reading and thinking about the world, I have developed confidence in the conjecture, “everything is backwards under capitalism.”

Is there any truth to the statement?

Well, what could possibly be more backward than a government and health system implementing policy optimally designed to spread a virus to as large of a proportion of the population as possible during a global pandemic?

What is more backward than a national health service intentionally spreading misinformation and actively suppressing the truth at the time when it is needed by society the most?

What can be more backward than a national professional accrediting agency that considers disagreeing with, let alone actually correcting others, professional “misconduct”?

Dr. Berger actually finds himself at risk of losing his medical license for communicating true medical information… Can this even be considered “backward”? Whatever it is, its disorienting…

Rebecca Mclaren, from Melbourne, Australia, is a former health insurance worker but is now involved full-time in the home-schooling her children

I am so grateful for people like Dr. Berger because without people like him, we don’t know the risks and cannot keep ourselves safe. Our government tells us to take “personal responsibility” but then lies to us about the dangers of COVID and deliberately downplays the seriousness of it, it’s reprehensible. It is supposed to be their job to properly inform people and create policies that keep the public safe. Not purposely mislead us and silence anyone who tells us the truth.

Rebecca Mclaren (Image supplied)

I cannot believe that in 2022 in Australia an attempt is being made to prevent a doctor from giving people vital, life-saving information. This is an absolute disgrace.

I hope that Dr. Berger keeps speaking out. He is one of the few good people we have left to give us reliable, truthful information. Without this we simply cannot keep ourselves safe.

Todd Lewis

Dr. Berger, your consistent and tireless advocacy for the citizens of your country shows a most good and caring man.

Politeness can be a facade used by those without empathy. Accusing you of not being ‘polite’ is a malicious and desperate attack. I so very much admire you.

Strength and courage sir. Strength and courage.


I have greatly valued Berger’s advocacy and insight throughout the pandemic. His evidence-based updates and posts have been exceedingly important in helping me protect my family and myself.

That the Australian medical authorities should attempt to silence him and even subject him to a re-education is a shameful travesty and truly shocking in this day and age! They would be wiser to spend their time actually focusing their energies on measures to mitigate transmission of this airborne virus!

Send us your statements of support for Dr. Berger and we will publish them in the coming days.