
Video: Workers must oppose Australian ruling elite’s homicidal response to Omicron variant

In this video, Socialist Equality Party (SEP) Assistant National Secretary Max Boddy warns of the dangerous spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, as governments around the world refuse to implement even basic lockdown or quarantine measures.

The Australian government has staked out one of the most aggressive “herd immunity” positions, declaring a desire for the virus to spread across the country, under the baseless claim the variant will cause less severe illness than previous strains.

Boddy states that mass vaccination is not a “magic bullet” against COVID-19, but must be used in conjunction with public health measures, monitoring and lockdowns as part of a global strategy to eliminate the virus. Without such a strategy, the virus is able to spread and mutate into more infectious and potentially vaccine-resistant variants.

The video is part of the campaign launched by the SEP against anti-democratic electoral laws rushed through the Australian parliament on August 26. They force the SEP, along with 35 other registered political parties, to submit a list of 1,500 members, treble the previous number, or face deregistration.

The purpose of the laws is to prevent mounting opposition to the major parties, including hostility to bipartisan reopening policies that put lives before profit, from finding a left-wing and socialist expression.

Support the SEP’s campaign against the legislation and sign up as an electoral member today.