
Video: Fight to eradicate COVID-19! Why you should become an electoral member of the SEP

There is a direct connection between the upsurge of the COVID-19 pandemic and the anti-democratic electoral bills that were rushed through the Australian parliament on August 27 in just over 24 hours to prevent any opposition developing by ordinary people to the imposition of the laws.

Fight to eradicate COVID-19! Why you should become an electoral member of the SEP

The bills, passed without discussion in the media, are designed to suppress and silence the already developing anger, frustration and fear toward the policies of all the major parties of “living with the virus.” This is a policy the politicians admit will result in hundreds and possibly thousands of deaths.

After decades where governments, both Liberal-National and Labor, have gutted and denuded the health system of funds and resources, doctors, nurses and paramedics are warning that the entire health system is teetering on the brink of collapse. But these concerns are treated with disregard and contempt. Profit and wealth over lives is the policy of the ruling class.

The working class is the only force that can lead the fight for the eradication of the virus.

The electoral laws must be defeated! They are a bid to deregister the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) and 35 other parties! Join us in this fight! Become an electoral member of the SEP!