
Australian teachers pass workplace motion endorsing Free Assange rallies

The following motion was passed at a meeting on February 25 at Footscray City College in Melbourne. It was moved by a member of the Committee For Public Education (CFPE), which is actively promoting and campaigning for the demonstrations called by the Socialist Equality Party to demand the freedom of Julian Assange, including via its Facebook page. A leading member of the CFPE will be one of the speakers at the March 10 rally in Melbourne.

The WSWS and SEP (Australia) urge other workers to call for meetings at their workplace to discuss similar motions of endorsement.

That this sub-branch meeting of the Australian Education Union at Footscray City College endorses the campaign to free Julian Assange and supports rallies organised by the Socialist Equality Party to be held in Sydney at Martin Place Amphitheatre, March 3 at 2:00 p.m. and in Melbourne at the Victorian State Library on March 10 at 1:00 p.m.

Assange is being targeted for his leading role in WikiLeaks’ exposures of US-led war crimes, diplomatic intrigues, corporate and government corruption. We insist that the Morrison government extend to Assange the rights that should be available to him as an Australian citizen and secure his return to Australia with guarantees against indictment and extradition to the US.