
Public meetings in Michigan, California and New York

Google: The new face of Internet censorship

Google is censoring the Internet. The World Socialist Web Site has extensively documented the efforts of the search giant to manipulate search results to restrict or block access to socialist and left-wing websites, including the WSWS, Alternet, Wikileaks, Counterpunch, Truthout, Common Dreams, and many others. Under the guise of combating “fake news,” Google is collaborating with the US government and the Democratic Party to limit access to oppositional views.

Google’s censorship is part of broader moves by the ruling class to suppress free speech. In the media, one report of alleged Russian intervention in US politics follows the next, each more ludicrous than the last. While one aim has been to continue and escalate an anti-Russia foreign policy, the more basic purpose is emerging ever more clearly: to criminalize political dissent.

The destruction of democratic rights is the political response of the corporate and financial aristocracy to the growth of working class discontent bound up with record levels of social inequality. It is intimately linked to preparations for a major escalation of imperialist violence around the world.

These meetings, called by the Socialist Equality Party, International Youth and Students for Social Equality and the WSWS will present the facts about Google’s attack on left-wing websites and lay out a plan for fighting censorship.

Meeting details:

Los Angeles, California
Tuesday, October 24, 2:00 pm
Los Angeles City College
Holmes Hall 202
855 N. Vermont Avenue

Ann Arbor, Michigan
Wednesday October 25, 7:00 pm
University of Michigan
Mason Hall, Room 2306
Speaker: Joseph Kishore, SEP National Secretary

Detroit, Michigan
Thursday, October 26, 7:00 pm
Wayne State University
Student Center, Room 10
Speaker: Andre Damon, IYSSE National Secretary

Geneseo New York
Tuesday, October 31, 5:30 pm
SUNY Geneseo
Bailey 101

Ypsilanti, Michigan
Wednesday, November 1, 6:00 pm
Eastern Michigan University
Student Center, Room 304