
A letter from Athens

The WSWS has received the following letter from Greece:

I just read Barry Grey’s analysis; and I must say that I agree totally with him. Tsipras is the new Quisling, a real Efialtes national traitor of ancient Greek lore, a bastard turncoat of the left ...

Of course I did not hope that he would bring any sort of socialism to Greece; I merely expected him to bring back some kind of bourgeois Keynesian parliamentary normality to my country, a social democratic exit from the austerity memoranda and not much more.

But I never expected this kind of stab in the back, this kind of national and social betrayal, treachery, hypocrisy and conspiracy with EU imperialists and local oligarchs.

I am still dumbfounded, completely shell-shocked and I cannot say much more now. But what little I can say at this hour is that he has become my mortal enemy as much as the ND-Pasok-Potami bastards he has now allied with.

I spent the day meeting and speaking with other comrades and we all share the same feelings ... as soon as emotion and rage will give way to reason, you will have more analysis and feedback from me.

Regards from doomed Greece,

Ioannis from Athens