
Mehring Books launches 2013 holiday sale

Mehring Books is pleased to announce the launch of our Holiday Sale. Take advantage of big savings on most titles and sale bundles. This is an excellent opportunity to add to your library of Marxist classics or to introduce friends and family to the ideas of socialism.

This year Mehring is offering several new sale bundles.

The writings of David North

This bundle, now just $27.50, contains a selection of writings by David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site on basic questions of Marxist theory, history and principles. It includes In Defense of Leon Trotsky, The Economic Crisis and the Return of History as well as Marxism, History and Socialist Consciousness.

Arts and culture bundle

An absolutely unique set of works for those interested in the Marxist perspective on art and culture.

The new arts and culture bundle ncludes the just-published volume of The Sky Between the Leaves by World Socialist Web Site Arts Editor David Walsh as well as his recently reprinted lecture The Aesthetic Component of Socialism. These works are the product of the decision by the International Committee of the Fourth International, following the dissolution of the USSR, to devote its resources to the cultural and intellectual as well as political development of the working class. The bundle also includes the volume by Left Oppositionist Aleksandr Voronsky, Art as the Cognition of Life. Now just $40.00

SEP pamphlet bundle

This bundle contains a selection of recently published SEP pamphlets covering a wide range of subjects. Among the topics addressed are US militarism, the social crisis, the US Civil War, workers’ struggles and the defense of art and culture. Just $19.50

SEP starter bundle

This bundle contains a selection of introductory writings on the history and principles of the International Committee of the Fourth International and the Socialist Equality Party (US). Titles include: The SEP Program, WSWS Chronology, Socialist Equality Party Statement of Principles and The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (US). Just $27.50

Many other individual titles are discounted:


In Defense of Leon Trotsky, second edition (now $13.95)
The Suppression of Philosophy in the USSR (now $17.95)
The Revolution Betrayed (now $9.95)
The Spanish Revolution (now $9.95)
The Third International After Lenin (now $19.95)
Tsar to Lenin DVD (now just $12.95, free US shipping!)

Works by Vadim Rogovin

1937 Stalin’s Year of Terror (now $17.95)
Stalin’s Terror of 1937-38 (now $17.95)
Two Lectures: Stalin’s Great Terror and Leon Trotsky and the Fate of Marxism in the USSR (now $7.95)

The Russian Revolution

History of the Russian Revolution (now $32.40)
The Bolsheviks Come to Power (now $16.20)
The Bolsheviks in Power (now $25.20)

Other popular sale items

Political Profiles (now $9.95)
Gerry Healy and his place in the History of The Fourth International (now $7.95)
Desert Slaughter (now 6.95)
The First 10 Years of American Communism (now $5.95)
Back in Time (now $9.95)

And much more...

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