
SEP election meetings in New South Wales

Egypt and the return of revolutionary struggles

The NSW election is being held amid the greatest economic failure of the world capitalist market since the 1930s, and the return of open class struggle to the centre stage of history. The enormous protest movements that have erupted in Tunisia and Egypt are spreading throughout North Africa and the Middle East, while mass working-class struggles are developing in Europe and the United States. They are all being driven by the same fundamental global processes, which have created unprecedented levels of social inequality in every country, enriching a tiny layer of the ultra-wealthy, while plunging millions of ordinary working people into joblessness, hardship and poverty.


An eruption of class struggle is no less inevitable in Australia.


The Socialist Equality Party is standing four candidates in the election, as part of the fight to build and prepare the revolutionary party necessary to lead the coming struggles of the working class, on the basis of a socialist and internationalist perspective.


We invite all WSWS readers and SEP supporters to attend our public meetings in Auburn, Bankstown, Marrickville and Newcastle, to discuss the political significance and implications of these historic events and the program and perspective necessary to lead the working class to victory.


Wednesday, March 16, 7 p.m.
Punchbowl Community Centre
44 Rossmore Avenue, Punchbowl


Friday, March 18, 7 p.m.
Herb Greedy Hall
79 Petersham Road, Marrickville
(close to the corner with Marrickville Rd)


Saturday, March 19, 2 p.m.
Regents Park Community Hall
Amy Street
Regents Park (Behind Library)


Sunday March 20, 2.30 p.m.
Joy Cummings Centre
corner of Scott and Pacific Streets
(one block up from Newcastle Station)

Authorised by N.Beams, 40 Raymond St, Bankstown, NSW 2200
