
February 2010 edition of WSWS Perspectives now available

The February 2010 edition of WSWS Perspectives—a monthly chronicle of the World Socialist Web Site’s most critical daily postings in a well-organized and attractively printed volume—is now available from Mehring Books.


The latest edition of the journal devotes particular attention to recent developments in the world economic and social crisis. This month readers will find a number of commentaries about the political implications of the Greek debt crisis and growing signs of popular opposition within Europe to attacks on working people’s living standards. Other Perspectives articles address the high levels of social inequality in the US and the efforts of the White House to use the US debt crisis to push through unprecedented cuts in the social safety net.

The inclusion of both a date-ordered table of contents and a subject index makes it easy to quickly find material on particular themes. For example, the section “Democratic Rights & War Crimes” directs readers’ attention to articles examining the international significance of moves to establish a police-state regime in Sri Lanka and the consolidation of the right-wing coup in Honduras. Under the subject index entitled “American Imperialism & War in Central Asia and the Middle East,” can be found several pieces looking at the Obama administration’s assault on Marjah, Afghanistan, noting its similarity to the Bush administration’s leveling of Fallujah, Iraq in 2004.

Reading the WSWS Perspectives is a great way to have a retrospective view of the most important political developments of the previous month and to review the daily analysis made by the WSWS. It is an invaluable resource for new and long-time readers of the World Socialist Web Site.


Special promotional offer

Subscribers to the WSWS Perspectives will receive a free copy (an $8 value) of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party, a comprehensive document adopted at the SEP Founding Congress in 2008 that reviews the historical events and political experiences out of which the SEP arose.

To take advantage of this offer click here.

Or, to purchase a single issue of the February 2010 edition, click here.

The sale price for individual issues and subscriptions is listed below. All prices are given in US$. Prices vary by location and include all shipping costs.

ISSN: 2152-6856


United States
1. Single issue: $10
2. Year-long subscription rate: $85

1. Single issue: $10.50
2. Year-long subscription rate: $88

Great Britain, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, and Asia
1. Single issue: $14.50
2. Year-long subscription rate: $122

1. Single issue: $11
2. Year-long subscription rate: $92

1. Single issue: $12.50
2. Year-long subscription rate: $105