
Socialist Equality Party and World Socialist Web Site Meeting

A public discussion on the crisis in the auto industry


The Socialist Equality Party and the World Socialist Web Site are sponsoring a public discussion on a new fighting strategy for the working class—to defend jobs and benefits, oppose wage cuts and other concessions, fight foreclosures, and maintain funding for education and vital social services. We invite all auto workers and workers throughout the Detroit area to attend this crucial meeting. This discussion will examine a genuinely democratic and socialist response to the capitalist crisis. 

Among the issues we propose to discuss are: the nationalization of the auto companies and the major banks; the establishment of democratic and public control over the economy; an international strategy for the working class; and the building of a political party, independent of the Democrats and Republicans, that can fight for these measures.



Public Meeting 

Wayne State University 

Sat., Dec. 20, 2:00 pm 

Adamany Undergraduate Library

Bernath Auditorium

5155 Gullen Mall, Detroit




Recent Articles from the WSWS


December 19: WSWS speaks to Chrysler workers on plant closures

December 19: No concessions! No job cuts!
Canadian auto workers must join with US and Mexican workers to advance a socialist alternative

December 19: Ontario auto sector report warns of catastrophic job losses

December 19: German auto parts industry hit by bankruptcies

December 18: Video: Michigan Chrysler workers denounce pay cuts

December 18: Perspective: Why the UAW and the Democrats are pushing economic nationalism

December 16: US government bailouts: poverty wages for auto workers, trillions for bankers

December 15: A socialist policy for auto workers

December 13: White House signals aid after auto loan bill stalls in Senate
UAW agrees to more concessions

December 13: Thousands of jobs threatened in Swedish auto industry

December 13: Germany: Opel works council demands planned wage cut be kept secret

December 12: Bush, Democratic auto bailout fails in Senate, talks continue

December 12: Workers occupy auto parts plant in northern Germany

December 10: White House, Congress close to bailout deal
“Car Czar” to slash wages, jobs of US autoworkers

December 6: Crisis grips German auto industry

December 6: The Canadian auto “bailout”: CAW to impose sweeping concessions

December 5: Senate hearing sets the stage for the impoverishment of US autoworkers 

December 2: UAW pledges to impose further job losses and concessions on auto workers

November 27: Michigan GM worker answers attack by New York Times columnist

November 27: Video: Kandy O'Neill speaks to the WSWS

November 19: Canadian Auto Workers union presses for bailout of auto bosses