
Letters to the WSWS

To the editor of WSWS,

I do not know who you are but you and your staff are to be commended for the production of this web site. This is my very first acquaintance with the site. I have found it informative, easily navigational, pleasing to eye and mind. I would like to learn more of this organization, but for now I would just like to say thanks.

I have been doing research on superbugs because I have a desperate need to know as my dad recently underwent bypass surgery and contracted a super-vre-infection. The information I have found within your site shall be of use to me if for no other reason the acquisition of knowledge.

Again thanks to the contributing parties.

25 January 2000

In times like these—when few Americans even understand the concept of class struggle and socialism is seen as a quaintly radical notion—it is both refreshing and inspirational to have a source of information like WSWS. And that's more true than ever this week.

Every day this week, your site had something to stimulate my brain and stir my soul. Tuesday's "On the Threshold of the 21st Century" was an insightful analysis of where we are and where we're going. Wednesday, while most US papers ran misleading headlines about how the "typical" American family's income was on the increase, your piece on the growing income gap in the US was the real story behind this week's release of income data. On Thursday, you showed how even young people can see the disastrous consequences of our dismantling of the social safety net, even if most Americans have been fooled by self-serving political rhetoric. And today, you capped a great week with another thought-provoking big picture look at the prospects of world socialism by dissecting Yeltsin's role in replacing Russian socialism with an oligarchy.

Bravo! And keep up the good work.

Steven T. Jones
Senior Staff Writer for the New Times, San Luis Obispo (California) County's Newsweekly

Thank you for saying what needs to be said. You are pointing out the injustices most Americans are too arrogant or proud to admit. We truly live in a society without regard to human suffering or indignity ... unless of course it would be in someone's self-interest to give a damn. If I could I would fly Elian home to Cuba myself and give Nathaniel the love attention and care he desperately needs BEFORE he really becomes a sociopath from 14 years of lockup. The way we treat children truly makes me ill sometimes. If the governed consent to a government that oppresses and discriminates, then they become part of the problem ...

26 January 2000
