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There is no reason to believe that even the paltry agenda set out by Starmer’s Labour Party will be met, given the crisis-ridden world situation and the government’s total commitment to British imperialism and its escalating, ever more expensive, wars.

Thomas Scripps

”Bogdan Syrotiuk did not do or say anything wrong,” declared Amarjeet one of 13 Indian autoworkers sentenced to life in prison on bogus murder charges. “What he did was fight for the sake of the international working class. He fought and is fighting for workers’ power.”

Our reporters

The most high-profile eviction case was that of Ioanna Kolovou, a retired journalist. She was evicted from her home along with her 28-year-old disabled son at the end of January this year. According to reports a large crowd gathered outside her home which was attacked with tear gas by the riot police who then arrested Kolovou and her son.

John Vassilopoulos

Israeli airstrikes massacre hundreds across Gaza over the weekend

On Saturday, Israel launched a massive airstrike on a humanitarian zone in the coastal town of al-Mawasi where Palestinians had sought refuge from the relentless bombing of Gaza. The Health Ministry said it was one of the deadliest attacks in the nine-month siege, with 92 killed and 300 wounded.

Kevin Reed

UN experts confirm famine throughout Gaza, condemn Israel’s starvation policy

The group's statement is an indictment all the imperialist powers, above all the United States, that have backed to the hilt Israel’s barbaric onslaught in Gaza which has reduced its buildings to rubble and its people to refugees constantly facing death by starvation, disease and bombardment.

Peter Symonds

New York Times attempts to keep the #MeToo pot simmering

Sorry/Not Sorry: The continuing campaign against comedian Louis C.K.

Through a new documentary, the New York Times seeks to keep the #MeToo pot simmering, divert the attention of as many people as possible from big social issues and prepare the ground for further attacks on democratic rights.

Erik Schreiber

Rising unemployment and poverty in New Zealand

The National Party-led government is cutting funding for foodbanks as tens of thousands of people lose their jobs and more households struggle to pay for food, electricity and rent.

Tom Peters

Report reveals nearly one quarter of Canadians are living in poverty

The growth of poverty, and the staggering fortunes of the corporations and the rich are not unrelated processes. They arise out of the inner workings of the capitalist system, and political decisions made by all of Canada’s major parties, including the Liberals and NDP.

Dylan Lubao

Biden admits to seeing doctor after debate debacle

In a meeting held with 22 Democratic governors, Biden admitted to seeing a physician after the debate, contradicting previous statements given by his White House press secretary.

Jacob Crosse

This week in history: July 15-21

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

After the Slaughter: Political Lessons of the Balkan War

The capitulation of Serbia to the US-NATO onslaught brings to an end the last major strategic experience of the twentieth century. Its bloody conclusion endows the century with a certain tragic symmetry. It began with the suppression of the anti-colonial uprising of the Chinese Boxers. The century closes with a war that completes the reduction of the Balkans to the status of a neo-colonial protectorate of the major imperialist powers.

David North

Sri Lankan president threatens the Supreme Court

Wickremesinghe and his government—for that matter every faction of the ruling elite—are well aware that it is impossible to continue IMF austerity by peaceful means, and that they need dictatorial rule.

Saman Gunadasa

Educators in Turkey protest draft anti-labor law

While the Turkish political establishment and the trade union apparatus have been working to suppress the growing discontent of the working class against the ongoing cost of living crisis, the police attacked a protest by educators in Ankara against the new anti-labor law.

Barış Demir

West Nile fever epidemic in Israel

There has as yet been no mention of the implications of the WNV outbreak for the population of Gaza, suffering an Israeli genocide that has included the decimation of health infrastructure.

Benjamin Mateus

New COVID-19 surge driven by KP.2 and KP.3 variants

The emergence of the new viral variants and the consequent surge of COVID-19 that is currently underway has been enabled by a ruling class indifferent to the suffering caused by the virus.

Bill Shaw
The Gaza genocide and the death of Aaron Bushnell: What are the political lessons?

This lecture was given by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board Chairman David North at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on Tuesday, March 12.

On the 50th anniversary of the Chilean coup

Fifty years after Chile’s horrific September 11 coup, its political relevance is becoming ever more urgent as the specter of dictatorship once again haunts the political life of Latin America.


Julian Assange arrives in Australia free

In a press conference, Stella Assange hailed a global support movement for creating the conditions for Assange's freedom, while warning of an ongoing assault on press freedom that had to be fought.

Oscar Grenfell

Julian Assange is free, but the struggle to defend democratic rights continues

On Monday, Julian Assange walked out of the UK’s Belmarsh Prison a free man, following five years of imprisonment and nearly 15 years of persecution by a cabal of imperialist governments led by the United States which hounded him for exposing their crimes.

Statement of the World Socialist Web Site editorial board
COVID, Capitalism, and Class War: A Social and Political Chronology of the Pandemic

Mehring Books, the publishing arm of the Socialist Equality Party (US), is proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 of COVID, Capitalism, and Class War: A Social and Political Chronology of the Pandemic, a compilation of the World Socialist Web Site's coverage of this global crisis.

Read the introduction
One Hundred Years Since the Death of Lenin

January 21 marked 100 years since the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924. This page includes a collection of essays reviewing the life and ideas of the great Marxist theoretician, founder of the Bolshevik Party, and co-leader of the Russian Revolution.

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Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century

The essays in this book, though written over the span of more than 40 years, are connected by a central argument: Leon Trotsky was the most significant figure in the history of socialism during the first four decades of the twentieth century, and his legacy remains the critical and indispensable theoretical and political foundation of the ongoing contemporary struggle for the victory of world socialism.

Order your print or epub version of the book from Mehring Books today.

Statement of the Editorial Board
For a Global Workers’ Inquest into the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Inquest is necessary to break through the cover-up, lies and misinformation that have been used to justify policies responsible for the avoidable deaths of millions.

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25 years since the death of Vadim Rogovin

Vadim Z. Rogovin (10 May 1937 – 18 September 1998) was a Soviet Marxist sociologist and historian. Working in close collaboration with the International Committee of the Fourth International, Rogovin helped lay the foundations for the Trotskyist movement’s fight against the post-Soviet school of historical falsification, including in his six-volume Was There an Alternative? This page collects major essays and commemorations on Rogovin as well as links to his own writings.


The Wuhan lab lie: “Weapons of mass destruction” redux

In an uncanny instance of history repeating itself, the lies used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq based on false claims about “weapons of mass destruction” are being used to promote the United States’ unprecedented military buildup around China.

Andre Damon

A discredited conspiracy theory about the origins of COVID-19

The Wuhan Lab Leak slander being resurrected to bolster US war drive against China

The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Department of Energy has shifted its opinion on the origin of the coronavirus to it being most likely a result of a lab leak. However, unnamed sources who have read the report indicate the evidence is of low confidence.

Benjamin Mateus

Marcus Garvey and the reactionary logic of racialist politics

More than one hundred years after the formation of his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), Marcus Garvey's legacy remains highly relevant in the struggle to overcome efforts to divide the working class along racial lines.

Lawrence Porter
Wije Dias: A fighter for Trotskyism (1941-2022)

Comrade Wije Dias, the longtime general secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), died in Colombo on July 27, 2022. This exhibit includes two tributes to Wije by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North as well as a selection of Wije’s most significant articles and speeches.

Forty-five years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977): A Revolutionary Life

October 16 marked the 45th anniversary of the assassination of Tom Henehan, a member of the Political Committee of the Workers League—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party in the US. We are republishing here a tribute delivered by David North at a meeting in 1997.

Timeline of thirty years of war: The historical background to the US-NATO conflict with Russia

This interactive timeline presents some of the most important events that have brought humanity to the brink of World War III. It includes links to critical articles and statements produced by the International Committee of the Fourth International over the past 30 years.

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The fight for Trotskyism and the political foundations of the World Socialist Web Site

The WSWS is publishing the report delivered by David North 25 years ago, on February 1, 1997, motivating the proposal to end publication of the SEP’s printed newspaper and replace it with an international website; as well as North’s reply to the National Committee ‘s discussion of the proposal.

On the attempted assassination of Donald Trump

Whatever the provenance of the attack, one thing is certain: It will produce a further sharp lurch to the right of the entire political establishment. 

WSWS Editorial Board
WSWS Review
Thirty years since the dissolution of the USSR

Review the most critical essays, lectures and letters produced by the ICFI in the course of its intervention in response to the crisis of Stalinism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

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New Zealand: Court action continues over Pike River mine disaster

Families of some of the 29 workers killed in the 2010 coal mine disaster are continuing their fight for answers about why authorities dropped charges against Pike River Coal chief executive Peter Whittall over the extremely dangerous conditions in the mine.

Tom Peters