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3,000 VW workers in Germany protest against cutbacks

The aim of the contract negotiations between the Volkswagen board, works council and the IG Metall union is directly the opposite of the workers. While the union bureaucracy are negotiating how to realise the cuts demanded by management, workers are not prepared to make any more concessions.

our reporters

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Rail workers in Greece in 24-hour national walkout to demand more staff and safety measures in wake of fatal rail crash and near miss; workers and pensioners continue protests across Iran over decline in living standards as NATO military attack grows imminent; teachers in and around capital Abuja, Nigeria on indefinite strike to demand 25 months’ pay arrears

As US prepares to allow NATO weapons to strike Russia, Putin threatens nuclear retaliation

Amid ongoing high-level meetings between NATO leaders and Ukrainian officials at the United Nations over plans to allow Ukraine to strike Russian cities with NATO weapons, Russian President Vladimir Putin outlined Wednesday a proposed update to Russia’s nuclear policy document that would expand the conditions under which Russia would use nuclear weapons.

Andre Damon

Boeing machinist denounces company’s “Best and Final” offer

IAM negotiators, Boeing and the federal mediator will be meeting this Friday, no doubt seeking to avoid a situation in which Boeing machinists and East Coast dockworkers, who might strike as early as next Tuesday, are out at the same time.

Bryan Dyne

New Sri Lankan president calls snap elections

Dissanayake wants to establish a “stable” government with a clear parliamentary majority in order to carry out the harsh austerity measures dictated by the IMF.

Deepal Jayasekera

East Coast dockworkers: Unite with Boeing workers to build a movement of the working class! Build rank-and-file committees to take control out of the hands of ILA bureaucrats!

Dockworkers have immense power, but the question is how to use it. Establishing lines of communication with workers in other strategic industries, they must build their struggle into a broad counteroffensive by the working class against worsening conditions and automation-driven layoffs.

International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees

Kamala Harris courts the billionaires

While professing to defend the “middle class,” Harris, like Donald Trump, is a defender of corporate America and the dictatorship of Wall Street over working people.

Patrick Martin

Forest fires engulf the entire Amazon basin

Forest fires have consumed tens of millions of hectares in the Amazon basin this year, due to global warming, an extreme two-year drought, and illegal burning of forests and pastures.

Cesar Uco, Don Knowland

Corbynites moot new party

The right-wing evolution of Labour into such a naked party of big business and imperialist war was not reversed by Corbyn’s leadership and cannot be answered by the formation of what would essentially be a Labour Party Mark II.

Chris Marsden

Sounding the Alarm: Socialism Against War, by David North

This September, Mehring Books published the speeches delivered by David North at the ICFI's Online May Day celebrations over the past decade. The speeches are a timely year-by-year analysis of the relentless escalation of imperialist militarism and the growing danger of a nuclear third world war.

Starmer makes right-wing nationalist pitch for austerity

Amid the usual promises to “work hand-in-hand with business… unashamed to partner with private sector”, and of “steadfast support for Ukraine”, the UK Labour leader delivered a one-hour address filled with anti-migrant rhetoric, promises of “stronger borders” and pledges to be “tough on crime”.

Thomas Scripps

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Charlene Hudy, the chair of the Air Canada ALPA Master Executive Council, is facing strong rank-and-file opposition to a sellout deal negotiated by the union that ignores the demands of lower paid junior pilots.

No to wrist-slap fines for workplace deaths! Reject the National Steel Car/United Steelworkers-backed settlement for Quoc Le’s death!

The USW maintains we should leave the decisions to the courts where, apparently, major issues can be hashed out in an “independent legal forum.” The decision in the Quoc Le case, which culminates a sad nearly 4-year saga, has blown this “theory” out of the water and exposed the consequences of the USW’s efforts to subordinate our struggle to pro-employer state institutions.

National Steel Car Rank-and-File Committee

JVP/NPP leader elected as new president of Sri Lanka

The dramatic increase in the vote for the JVP/NPP is a product of two inter-related processes—the seething hostility and anger of broad layers of the population over the social crisis; and support for the JVP/NPP in sections of the ruling class as the means for suppressing that opposition.

Saman Gunadasa, Deepal Jayasekera

Biden hosts Quad meeting directed against China

A “hot mic” incident, in which Biden told the other leaders that Beijing was “aggressive” and “testing us,” underscored the real thrust of the anti-China summit.

Oscar Grenfell

Israel escalates Middle East-wide war with bombing of Beirut

The aggressive move, which could only have been taken with the full backing of the United States and other imperialist powers, demonstrates that the Gaza genocide is developing into a region-wide war targeting Iran with catastrophic consequences for millions of people.

Jordan Shilton

Join us in building the Volkswagen Rank-and-File Committee!

On Wednesday, the following statement for the establishment of the rank-and-file committee at Volkswagen was discussed and approved at the online meeting on the attacks on the VW workforce in Germany.

Volkswagen Rank-and-File Committee
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