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Stop the deportation of Momodou Taal!

In this video interview, Cornell University PhD student Momodou Taal and his attorney Eric Lee discuss Cornell's threat to suspend Taal for participating in protests against the Gaza genocide, and the broader attacks on free speech across the US.

Andrea Peters

Berlin supports Israel’s escalation of war in the Middle East

Despite its public warnings of a “wildfire,” the German government would support strikes against Iran's nuclear program, military installations, or oil fields that would plunge the entire region into a catastrophic war.

Johannes Stern

German government’s 2025 cultural budget: An attack on the freedom of art

While selected areas—including the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, German filmmaking and broadcaster Deutsche Welle—are to receive more money, the six federal funds that support the independent cultural scene will lose around half of their budget: €14 million.

Bernd Reinhardt, Verena Nees

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

Bangladesh security forces shoot demonstrating garment worker; India: Nationwide protests demand repeal of Modi government’s anti-labour laws; Pakistani public-school teachers oppose privatisation; Australia: Qantas maintenance engineers expand strike action; Qube dock workers in Port Kembla widen industrial bans.

Kenya’s Gen Z insurgency, the strike wave and the struggle for Permanent Revolution-Part 2

The recent strike wave by workers in Kenya, following the Gen Z-led uprising, reflects deep-seated anger towards the regime of President William Ruto and its International Monetary Fund-backed austerity measures. Workers and the youth must forge a new path grounded in Leon Trotsky’s theory of Permanent Revolution—the programme that inspired the October 1917 Russian Revolution. It is essential to revive the struggle of Trotskyism against Stalinism, Maoism, Pabloism, and bourgeoisie nationalism.

Kipchumba Ochieng

Betrayal on the docks: ILA sells out longshoremen’s strike

The bureaucracy has shut down the strike because it was having a powerful impact on corporate America. More significantly, the strike threatened to undermine the US escalation of war in the Middle East and against Russia.

Tom Hall

The Political issues in the Fight to Defend Public Education in the US: A new pamphlet from Mehring Books

The Biden/Harris administration’s decision to end schools’ federal COVID funding relief and prioritize war spending has created a massive fiscal cliff across the US. Class battles over the right to public education are set to occur, but require a new political perspective and the formation of independent rank-and-file committees of educators, parents and students.

Nancy Hanover

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

One-day general strike in France for repeal of unpopular pension reform and against imposition of right-wing Barnier government; ongoing protests escalate against low wages, pensions and worsening social conditions across Iran; demonstrations against hunger and soaring prices of fuel and imports in major cities across Nigeria met with police bullets and teargas

Kenya’s Gen Z insurgency, the strike wave and the struggle for Permanent Revolution-Part 1

The recent strike wave by workers in Kenya, following the Gen Z-led uprising, reflects deep-seated anger towards the regime of President William Ruto and its International Monetary Fund-backed austerity measures. Workers and the youth must forge a new path grounded in Leon Trotsky’s theory of Permanent Revolution—the programme that inspired the October 1917 Russian Revolution. It is essential to revive the struggle of Trotskyism against Stalinism, Maoism, Pabloism, and bourgeoisie nationalism.

Kipchumba Ochieng

Biden escalates toward disastrous war against Iran

The United States and Israel stand on the verge of a direct attack on Iran, with the most far-reaching and catastrophic consequences for the Middle East and the whole world.

Andre Damon

Fighting against war means fighting capitalism!

Never before has the threat of nuclear annihilation been as great as it is today. It is high time to stop the unbridled escalation of the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine by the NATO powers.

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei

UK Prime Minister Starmer declares for war on Iran

In a televised speech in Downing Street Tuesday evening, Starmer turned reality on its head, declaring that Iran was the aggressor in the Middle East and was threatening the world with carnage.

Robert Stevens

Workers Struggles: The Americas

On the tenth anniversary of the disappearance of 43 student teachers enrolled in the Ayotzinapa Normal College in Guerrero State, more than 10,000 people marched in Mexico City.

BioLab factory fire spews chlorine gas cloud near Atlanta, Georgia

A fire at a chemical factory broke out on Sunday morning and released a plume of chlorine gas and other toxic substances into the air east of Atlanta, causing mass shelter in place orders and the shutdown of county government offices through Friday.

Kevin Reed

Texas executes Garcia Glen White despite claims of mental deficiencies

White’s life story mirrors that of many of the more than 2,200 men and women still on death row in America, as well as those of the 1,600 individuals who have already been sent to their deaths since the US Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976.

Kate Randall

House of Lords lays out plans to make UK fully war ready

The House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee has issued its report, “Ukraine: a wake-up call” proposing measures by which the UK and Europe can take on “Putin’s Russia” and China.

Chris Marsden

Biden congratulates Sri Lanka’s new president

Far from simply balancing between the major powers, Dissanayake and the JVP/NPP have made abundantly clear that his government will continue the pro-US line of its predecessor.

Saman Gunadasa
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