Metro Detroit residents sell plasma to support families
With 40 percent of residents living in poverty, many Detroit workers are forced to find alternative ways to make money, including selling their plasma.
With 40 percent of residents living in poverty, many Detroit workers are forced to find alternative ways to make money, including selling their plasma.
Detroit's policy of mass water shutoffs has been called a human rights violation by the United Nations.
New Emergency Manager Darnell Earley has pledged further cuts to impoverished Detroit schools.
Less than 18 percent of eligible voters turned out in Tuesday’s Detroit mayoral primary.
Mass alienation from the entire political system dominated Detroit’s mayoral primary election, with an estimated 17 percent of registered voters going to the polls.
The Socialist Equality Party calls on all workers in Detroit to cast a vote for SEP candidate D’Artagnan Collier in today’s mayoral election.
SEP Detroit mayoral candidate D’Artagnan Collier outlined the party’s socialist program before an audience including firefighters, teachers, students and retirees at Wayne State University
Workers spoke with reporters from the World Socialist Web Site on the need to mobilize the working class against the bankruptcy of Detroit.
This resolution was passed unanimously at the Socialist Equality Party election meeting.
Auto workers at a Detroit Chrysler plant gave a warm reception to D’Artagnan Collier, SEP candidate for mayor of Detroit.
D’Artagnan Collier, Socialist Equality Party candidate for Detroit mayor, was interviewed on WCHB-AM 1200, Detroit’s Urban Newstalk radio station, about social conditions facing Detroiters.
In the course of the live forum involving 13 candidates, Collier advanced a socialist program to defend the working class.
Opposition is mounting among Detroit workers to the drive by the city’s emergency manager Kevyn Orr and Michigan governor Rick Snyder to use the city’s bankruptcy to slash social services and rip up workers’ pensions.
The SEP is calling on workers and youth to distribute this statement as widely as possible and build the August 4 campaign meeting at Wayne State University.
D’Artagnan Collier, Socialist Equality Party candidate for Detroit mayor, will speak at 2 p.m. on August 4 at Wayne State University.
SEP mayoral candidate D’Artagnan Collier addressed the meeting, which was called to discuss a socialist program for the revitalization of the city.
Collier denounced layoffs, foreclosures and other “social crimes” and presented a program for the working class in Detroit to fight social inequality.
After facing the threat of eviction, residents of the Berwin Apartments in Detroit, Michigan were informed by the owner that the sale of the property had fallen through.
D’Artagnan Collier, Socialist Equality Party candidate for Detroit mayor, will speak at 7pm at the Unitarian-Universalist Church.
Kevyn Orr is moving towards a bankruptcy filing in order to gut pension funds and secure the interests of Detroit’s biggest bondholders.