
ISSE/SEP meetings in the US

A socialist response to the economic crisis


The International Students for Social Equality and the Socialist Equality Party will host a series of meetings in the US in February and March. Leading members of the SEP and ISSE will give a detailed analysis of the economic crisis and present a socialist response.

Meetings in the Midwest and West Coast will be announced in the coming weeks. Check the WSWS for regular updates. If you would like to host a meeting in your city our school, please contact us.

Pittsburgh, PA
Thursday, April 9, 7 p.m.
University of Pittsburgh
Cathedral of Learning - Room 206
4200 Fifth Avenue

Portland, Oregon
Wednesday, April 8, 7:30 PM
PSU Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 296
Portland State University
1825 SW Broadway 

Baltimore - cancelled
Speaker: Bill Van Auken, WSWS writer and SEP candidate for vice president in 2008
Thursday, March 26 , 5:15 p.m. 
University of Maryland Law School 
Room 402 
500 W. Baltimore Street 

Portsmouth, Ohio
Speaker:  Larry Porter, SEP Assistant National Secretary
Thursday March 19, 6 p.m.
Portsmouth Public Library
The Meeting Room (Basement southeast corner)
1220 Gallia Street

Chicago, Illinois
Speaker:  Joe Kishore, SEP National Secretary
Thursday March 5, 7 p.m.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Student Center East, White Oak B Room
750 South Halsted Street

Detroit, Michigan
Tuesday March 3, 4 p.m.
Wayne State University
Student Center Room 261

Baltimore - Cancelled due to snow emergency
Speaker:  Bill Van Auken, WSWS writer and SEP candidate for vice president in 2008
Monday, March 2 , 4:30 p.m. 
University of Maryland Law School 
Room 302 
500 W. Baltimore Street 

Richmond, Virginia
Speaker:  Joe Kishore, SEP National Secretary
Thursday, February 26, 6 p.m.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Forum Room of the Student Commons 
907 Floyd Ave.

Wilmington, North Carolina
Speaker:  Joe Kishore, SEP National Secretary
Wednesday, February 25, 7 p.m.
Randall Library Auditorium
601 S College Rd.

New York, New York
Speaker:  Joe Kishore, SEP National Secretary
Sunday, February 22, 1 p.m.
McBurney YMCA
125 West 14th Street